Just because a student graduates high school or receives their GED, doesn't mean they no longer need support to be successful in their education. With SparkWheel, you’ll have an engaged partner that customizes integrated student supports to meet unique needs, removing barriers and improving educational outcomes.
In the post-secondary space, SparkWheel focuses on supporting students as they address life circumstances that prevent regular attendance and academic progress. SparkWheel complements existing resources and works to address gaps in support while removing barriers to success—meaning students are able to attend school more regularly and in the best conditions to support learning.
SparkWheel in
SparkWheel will launch its first post-secondary program with the start of the 2023 fall semester at Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, KS. We are excited to bring our work to post-secondary institutions of all kinds.
SparkWheel Staff Member
How It Works
SparkWheel's program is customizable for every community and school. Each school year, our Student Support Coordinators conduct a School Review, which evaluates current needs and resources. Then, they work with school personnel to develop a customized School Engagement Plan. This ensures our work fills gaps in existing resources and does not duplicate existing resources within the school.
Throughout the school year, Student Support Coordinators split their time working individually with case-managed students, holding small groups for students with similar needs, and providing school-wide supports. We monitor progress towards student goals at each grading period and make adjustments to make adjustments to support ongoing success.
Finally, we analyze our work at the end of each school year, reflecting on what works and what doesn’t. Our data-driven model delivers one of the most significant chances of success for the students we serve.
School Engagement Plan
Deliver Integrated Student Supports
Annual Evaluation
Pittsburg State University's mission is to make life better through education. Partnering with SparkWheel enables us to live out our mission and vision by providing access to quality educational programs and experiences for students and creating an inclusive educational environment where everyone feels valued. This partnership ensures that all students have an opportunity to succeed, be valued and retained to the university through graduation, while benefiting from an extra layer of support.
Deatrea S. Rose
Associate Vice President for Inclusion and Belonging