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Our Staff

They don’t just work here, they’re what makes SparkWheel work! Our staff is dedicated to igniting student success in every role they play.  

Search our directory by name

Kali Alexander

Kali Alexander

Student Support Coordinator

Anadarko Middle School - Anadarko, OK

Vanessa Apodaca

Vanessa Apodaca

Student Support Coordinator

Frontier School of Innovation Middle School - Kansas City, MO

Misty D. Boettger, MLS

Misty D. Boettger, MLS

Sr. Director of Tribal Expansion

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Cheyenne Carmona Herbst

Cheyenne Carmona Herbst

Program Operations Coordinator

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Reannon Chamberlain

Reannon Chamberlain

Program Director, Rural Missouri

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Clayton Crellin

Clayton Crellin

Student Support Coordinator

Royster Middle School - Chanute, KS

Anna Douglas-Rose, SHRM-SCP

Anna Douglas-Rose, SHRM-SCP

Vice President of Financial Compliance and Human Resources

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Dot Fernandez

Dot Fernandez

Accounting Specialist

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Audra Grote

Audra Grote

Student Support Coordinator

Troy Middle School - Troy, MO

Rachel Harrington

Rachel Harrington

Program Director

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Amy Hendrickson

Amy Hendrickson

Student Support Coordinator

Lincoln Early Learning Center - Chanute, KS

Rhonda Hoener

Rhonda Hoener

Post-Secondary Success Coach

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Brooke Hopper

Brooke Hopper

Director of HR & Learning

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Caleb Jones

Caleb Jones

Student Support Coordinator

Pineville Elementary - Pineville, MO and White Rock Elementary - Jane, MO

Carlos A. Kelly

Carlos A. Kelly

Student Support Coordinator

Topeka High School- Topeka, KS

Susie Ledbetter

Susie Ledbetter

Student Support Coordinator

Westside Elementary - Pittsburg, KS

Janelle Martin

Janelle Martin

Associate Vice President for Development

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Dara Barr-Miller

Dara Barr-Miller

Student Support Coordinator

Parsons High School - Parsons, KS

Michelle Nicholson

Michelle Nicholson

Student Support Coordinator

Emporia High School - Emporia, KS

Victoria Partridge

Victoria Partridge

Vice President of Marketing and Communications

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Jamie Potthoff

Jamie Potthoff

Student Support Coordinator

Troy Buchanan High School - Troy, MO

Bobbie Jo Ray

Bobbie Jo Ray

Chief Financial Officer

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Chloe Rodriguez

Chloe Rodriguez

Director of Donor Relations - KC Metro

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Rachel Smith

Rachel Smith

Associate Vice President, Specialized Programs

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Rachelle Soden

Rachelle Soden

Grants Compliance Manager

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Megan Stoneberger Johnson

Megan Stoneberger Johnson

Post-Secondary Student Support Coordinator

Pittsburg State University - Pittsburg, KS

Craig Toombs

Craig Toombs

Student Support Coordinator

Crossroads Preparatory Academy - Kansas City, MO

Nathan "Nate" Wallace

Nathan "Nate" Wallace

Program Director

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Tera Wiggins

Tera Wiggins

Student Support Coordinator

Frontier School of Excellence High School - Kansas City, MO

Allison Anderson

Allison Anderson

Student Support Coordinator

El Dorado Middle School - El Dorado, KS

Sophie Archuleta

Sophie Archuleta

Sr. Director of Post-Secondary Programs

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Stefani Britton

Stefani Britton

Student Support Coordinator

Ottawa High School- Ottawa, KS

Alexis Carter-Black

Alexis Carter-Black

Chief Development Officer

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Phedrick Cody

Phedrick Cody

Student Support Coordinator

Central Middle School - Waterloo, IA

Laurie Ward

Laurie Ward

Student Support Coordinator

Chanute High School - Chanute, KS

Rachel Eden

Rachel Eden

Student Support Coordinator

Fort Scott High School - Fort Scott, KS

Anthony Giambalvo

Anthony Giambalvo

Student Support Coordinator

Crossroads Preparatory Academy - Kansas City, MO

Madalyn Hale

Madalyn Hale

Student Support Coordinator

George Nettels Elemenatry - Pittsburg, KS

Noelle Haselhuhn

Noelle Haselhuhn

Director of Marketing and Communications

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Susan Hill

Susan Hill

Student Support Coordinator

Parsons Middle School - Parsons, KS

Leah Hoggatt

Leah Hoggatt

Student Support Coordinator

Walnut Elementary - Emporia, KS

Stacie Jackson

Stacie Jackson

Student Support Coordinator

Prairie Park Elementary School - Lawrence, KS

Eugene Jones

Eugene Jones

Student Support Coordinator

Topeka West High School - Topeka, KS

Mark Kirchhoff

Mark Kirchhoff

Student Support Coordinator

Laura Speed Elliott Middle School and Boonville High School - Boonville, MO

Jesse Lopez

Jesse Lopez

Student Support Coordinator

Guadalupe Centers High School - Kansas City, MO

Jennifer Martin

Jennifer Martin

Student Support Coordinator

Logan Avenue Elementary - Emporia, KS

Winter Moore

Winter Moore

Student Support Coordinator

Fort Scott Middle School - Fort Scott, KS

Pam Noble

Pam Noble

Director of Grants

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Alesha Pedigo

Alesha Pedigo

Student Support Coordinator

Dodge City High School - Dodge City, KS

Krista Primers

Krista Primers

Student Support Coordinator

Benjamin Banneker Elementary - Kansas City, MO

Eric Ray

Eric Ray

Student Support Coordinator

Ross Elementary School - Topeka, KS

Michael Rose

Michael Rose

Student Support Coordinator

Independence Middle School - Independence, KS

Tanner Smith

Tanner Smith

Student Support Coordinator

Lincoln Elementary School - Parsons, KS

Ethan Spurling

Ethan Spurling

Vice President of Policy and Government Relations

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Nathan Thies

Nathan Thies

Program Director

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Angela VanLeeuwen

Angela VanLeeuwen

Student Support Coordinator

Chanute Elementary - Chanute, KS

LC Davis

LC Davis

Student Support Coordinator

Pittsburg High School - Pittsburg, KS

Kassidy Williams, Apache Tribe of Oklahoma

Kassidy Williams, Apache Tribe of Oklahoma

Student Support Coordinator

Anadarko Sunset Elementary

Dwayne Anthony

Dwayne Anthony

Associate Vice President, Core Operations

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Maurlon Bembry

Maurlon Bembry

Student Support Coordinator

Noel Elementary - Noel, MO and Southwest City Elementary - Southwest City, MO

Megan Broyles

Megan Broyles

Student Support Coordinator

William Allen White Elementary - Emporia, KS

Crystal Cefarelli

Crystal Cefarelli

Student Support Coordinator

North Lawn Elementary, Heller Elementary, and Neodesha Middle/High School - Neodesha, KS

Alena Cooper

Alena Cooper

Student Support Coordinator

Cuivre Park Elementary School - Troy, MO

Rhonda Dewitt

Rhonda Dewitt

Student Support Coordinator

Uniontown Public Schools - Uniontown, KS

Jen Falletti

Jen Falletti

Student Support Coordinator

Lakeside Elementary - Pittsburg, KS

Crystalle Green

Crystalle Green

Program Director, KC Metro

KCMO Office - Kansas City, MO

Leslie Harmon

Leslie Harmon

Post-Secondary Success Coach

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Alix Helms

Alix Helms

Data Manager

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Judy Hilyard

Judy Hilyard

Vice President of Data and Evaluation

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Adella Hollingsworth

Adella Hollingsworth

Student Support Coordinator

Pineville Primary - Anderson, MO and Rocky Comfort School - Rocky Comfort, MO

Sasha Jefferson

Sasha Jefferson

Student Support Coordinator

Meadowlark Elementary - Pittsburg, KS

Sabine Jones

Sabine Jones

Office Manager

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Clarissa Knight, Prairie Band of Potawatami

Clarissa Knight, Prairie Band of Potawatami

Student Support Coordinator

Anadarko High School - Andarko, OK

Sabrina Maldonado

Sabrina Maldonado

Student Support Coordinator

Garden City High School - Garden City, KS

Malissa Martin

Malissa Martin

President and CEO

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Bekah Morris

Bekah Morris

Student Support Coordinator

The Family Resource Center - Pittsburg, KS

Imelda Panuco

Imelda Panuco

Student Support Coordinator

State Street Elementary - Topeka, KS

Nicole Percival

Nicole Percival

Student Support Coordinator

Independence High School - Independence, KS

Kaity Rash

Kaity Rash

Student Support Coordinator

Neodesha Early Learning Center - Neodesha, KS

Kimberly Ray

Kimberly Ray

Accounting Associate

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Valerie Shaw-Gavel

Valerie Shaw-Gavel

Student Support Coordinator

Ottawa Middle School - Ottawa, KS

Brenna Snider

Brenna Snider

Lead Student Support Coordinator

Pittsburg Community Middle School - Pittsburg, KS

Kelly Stanford

Kelly Stanford

Chief Program Officer

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

John Thompson

John Thompson

Student Support Coordinator

Hannah Cole Primary School - Boonville, MO

Ashley Walker

Ashley Walker

Student Support Coordinator

George Washington Carver Academy Middle School - Waterloo, IA

Kayci Weimer

Kayci Weimer

Vice President of Program Operations

Central Office - Lawrence, KS

Michael Williams

Michael Williams

Student Support Coordinator

Highland Park High School - Topeka, KS

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Our Leadership

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Our Board

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